Mark 6:4-6 Jesus said to them, “Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.” 5 He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 And he was amazed at their lack of faith. Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village.
ARE you looking for God to do a power move in your life? Do you want him to change something about you, your family, your community or your church? What do you need to “do” to make that happen? Is the answer, “Have faith. Just believe.” That’s Jesus’ message. He had spent time in Capernaum and around the Sea of Galilee preaching and healing. Great crowds came to him in anticipation of his power. But returning to his hometown, Jesus found the crowds had come to minimize and criticize him. Instead of proclaiming, “He is the Son of God.” They could only say, “He’s Mary’s son.” (verse 3). A man was always identified as his father’s son. Perhaps these doubters considered Jesus was Mary’s illegitimate son and deserved no recognition as a man, much less as the Messiah. They rejected Jesus because they rejected God’s prophetic word regarding his Savior. Their restrained view of Jesus limited Jesus’ work. He could heal very few people in Nazareth. Is God’s power limited by our opinion of him? Yet, history reveals God has done mighty works when Israel had little or no knowledge of him. In fact, one of the reasons for the Exodus miracles was to reveal his power to his people. They needed to know the God who had formed them is the God of the heavens and earth. Jesus also did mighty works when none expected him to do so. For example, he calmed the storms, he raised the dead, he fed thousands with a few loaves and some fish. What blocked his healing power in Nazareth, his hometown? It is the people’s continuing doubt. Remember, ideas have consequences. And their idea is that Jesus, the local carpenter, is not worthy of their faith. Even though Jesus has told them who he is. He has gone to other towns and villages to show his people. And he returned with the power stories preceding him. Still, the hometown crowd denied Jesus’ authority as the Christ. His response is to deny them his redeeming power. How has Jesus presented himself to you? Have you heard his truth, yet questioned, even rejected the truth? Do you doubt Jesus is alive for you right now? Do you doubt his forgiveness and think, perhaps, you’re not worthy of his restorative work in your life? The Bible is one resource to know God’s gracious work. There are also countless testimonies found in many resources to tell of God’s power affecting people’s lives for their good and his glory. What’s your response to the evidence of Jesus’ authority to heal, to transform and to give life? Have faith to believe his will is for your good. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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