Revelation 3:1-2 “To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.”
ONCE the city of Sardis was a strategic and wealthy city. It was the capital of the vast country of Persia. Gold and silver coins were minted there. Large amounts of goods were traded in Sardis’ shops and ports. Also, Sardis was safe. High natural cliffs from the sea gave Sardis a strong defense. But Sardis’ leaders “fell asleep”. Within the high cliffs was one unguarded, seemingly hidden, pathway to enter the city. Watchmen paid no attention to this path. But two times attentive enemy soldiers found the way to enter Sardis to open its gates to invasion. Changing rulers eventually removed Sardis’ wealth and security. Then an earthquake leveled the city in 17 A.D. Sardis was barely a functioning town when the Lord spoke to the Sardis church. Sadly, the Sardis’ leaders had “fallen asleep” against false teachers. Founded on the unassailable Word of God, the church allowed the enemy of lies to open the church’s doors to sin’s invasion. Their work lacked spiritual power and focus. Sardis preferred to be a “good” church in the world, forgetting to be God’s church in God’s kingdom. A church’s purpose easily changes, doesn’t it, if we allow intruders through the hidden pathways? We have hearts to help people. But loving hearts can become complacent and routine if we forget it’s the Lord’s work. We might be excited to serve at a food pantry or donate to supply school materials for children. But do we remember why we do the work? Be alert! The church is formed to preach the gospel. It is not a service organization simply to serve. The church serves to point people to God, so they will know him, obey him and receive his salvation. Everything we do must be to proclaim, “Jesus saves.” as we defend our Lord against the disobedient world. Is your church an organization where “everyone’s friendly”? Or is your church a congregation of warriors eager to defend the Truth? Guard the gateway against the lies. Hold fast to the Bible’s secure, unassailable truth. Be dedicated to love God and love one another with true teaching. Encourage people to confession, repentance, and cross bearing. Be eager to teach of sin and call people to salvation. Hear Jesus’ love to reveal his forgiveness to you. Know what is true. Let’s see next how Jesus teaches us to be his alert, faithful church. Prayer: I pray, Jesus, I remain faithful to only your word, to remember you are Lord of your church. Amen. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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