2 John 1-2 Greetings from the Elder. To the lady chosen by God and to her children. I truly love all of you. And I am not the only one. All those who know the truth love you in the same way. 2 We love you because of the truth, the truth that lives in us. That truth will be with us forever.
THERE are likely two reasons John refers to himself as elder. One is his age. He wrote this about 60 years after he walked with Jesus. The second reason reveals John’s desire to more personally connect with the lady – the church – to whom he wrote. The role of elder was established early in the church’s history. These were men the apostles appointed to oversee the churches they began. Timothy, for example, was an elder in the Ephesus church. Even though John’s apostolic role is certain, John wrote to this church – or group of churches – as one who had a personal relationship with them. The lady is the church. Her children are members of the church – children of God – as John wrote in his gospel and first epistle. Once again, to counter many false doctrines, John emphasized the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ. Such a wondrous truth forms an eternal love within all who believe! One can almost hear John’s heart beating for God’s children. I truly love all of you is a magnificent confession from a Jesus-centered heart. John is a true Jesus’ disciple. “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35) Stop for a minute to focus on that verse. We’ve heard it so much, it may roll from our mind with little consideration. But think of love’s high importance and life-giving influence. John was a wonderful example of Jesus’ love living deeply in one’s heart. His love generously entered into a world of opposition, bigotry, pride and competition. The Holy spirit had filled John with Jesus’ character. John’s love is truly Jesus-like, willing to suffer for the truth, eager to explain the truth and ready to love all who seek the truth. Love’s truth is the foundation of a strong, vibrant Christian community because love’s truth is Jesus. This love is your God-given genetics that transfers from the Lord to you. When you inherit eternal life, you inherit love from the Father. That love is the truth that lives in us as completely as we are human. And God’s true love is more. That truth will be with us forever. Once we have received the truth, we have it. We turn to Jesus and use it. In truth we live in the assurance we are forever kingdom citizens. There were in the 1st century and there are today many challenges to our trust in the truth. The Spirit silences the challenges. He has given us the truth, so we know we are safe, victorious and eternal in Jesus’ true love. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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