Acts 24:1 Five days later the high priest Ananias went down to Caesarea with some of the elders and a lawyer named Tertullus, and they brought their charges against Paul before the governor.
THE Jews invested a great deal of time and resources to convict Paul. They hired a lawyer! The high priest Ananias came, too. Somewhere deep in the hearts of the Jews’ ruling class a deep hatred for Paul had been planted. They desperately wanted to harvest their hatred with Paul’s death. As court convenes, Tertullus, the lawyer, flatters Felix. Acts 24:2-4 When Paul was called in, Tertullus presented his case before Felix: “We have enjoyed a long period of peace under you, and your foresight has brought about reforms in this nation. 3 Everywhere and in every way, most excellent Felix, we acknowledge this with profound gratitude. 4 But in order not to weary you further, I would request that you be kind enough to hear us briefly.” The flattery done, Tertullus lists the Jews’ accusations. 3 Charges Acts 24:5-8 “We have found this man to be a troublemaker, stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world. He is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect 6 and even tried to desecrate the temple; so we seized him. 8 By examining him yourself you will be able to learn the truth about all these charges we are bringing against him.” Tertullus’ accusations were directed to Rome’s political ears. The Jews wanted Rome to judge Paul guilty of sedition – opposition and overthrow of Rome. This would send Paul to the cross. To that purpose they accused Paul of (1) being worldwide troublemaker, stirring up riots everywhere. Rome obviously wanted order throughout its empire. Troublemakers were dangerous to Rome. (2) Paul was a leader of the Nazarene sect. Rome permitted Judaism as a legal religion, but it would not tolerate any new religions. By describing Christianity as a Nazarene sect, the attorney made Paul's faith appear to be a cult against Roman law. (3) The Jews claimed Paul attempted to desecrate the temple. They had accused Paul of bringing a Gentile into the temple. (Acts 21:28) This, too, was a capital offense. Rome had given the Jews permission to execute any Gentile who went inside the barrier of the temple. The prosecution had its say. The crowd added their support: Verse 9 The Jews joined in the accusation, asserting that these things were true. If the Jews had stopped to talk to Paul and listened to him, they would have learned Paul loved them very, very much. His love was so high for them, he was even willing to go to hell for their salvation! Romans 9:3 For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race. The Jews had conspired to kill God’s love made flesh in Jesus. Now they conspired to accuse and destroy the one who would give hi soul to save theirs. Evil blinds one to God’s Goodness, even when God wants to embrace you.
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