John 1:6-9 There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9 The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.
WE have seen how John has defined Jesus as the living Word. Then John tells us the Word is the creative power of light that forms life into the unknowing darkness – God’s life into sin’s death. God began to do so through a man named John, who was a witness to the light. John, the apostle, refers here to the prophet John the Baptist. This seems an abrupt break from defining Jesus. But in truth, John is contrasting the witness to the light, to the true light. Most of John’s Jewish readers 60 years after Jesus’ resurrection (as many Jews still today), rejected Jesus as God in the flesh. This was blasphemy to the Jews, punishable by death. Acts describes Stephen’s stoning, and we see riots, accusations, persecutions and debates the Jews forced on the early church. Still, the apostle John preached, evangelized and wrote to affirm Jesus’ identity. He persevered through great opposition, even when Herod killed John’s brother James to please the Jews. (Acts 12:2) John stayed in faith, too, as his friend Peter and the other disciples were martyred. Yes, John is a faithful disciple. He knew the truth. He was intent to continue to give the evidence of Jesus as Savior. Many were wondering who John the Baptist had been. What was his role in Jewish history? John’s opening words in John 1:1-21 aare to draw a distinct line between the divine God-man Jesus and the man sent from God. From the day Jesus began his church until now, many false teachers have attempted to “adjust” Jesus to fit into their own limited, unholy views. Sadly, far too many doctrines of God have come from man’s words, not the Word made flesh. The apostle wrote from his knowledge and personal experiences. He has lived a Spirit-anointed life, ministering the gospel of God to thousands of people throughout the ancient world. He knew how arguments separated and even killed frail, young churches. In contrast, he knew how Jesus’ truth built the church on the firm foundation of the apostles’ teaching. His heart’s desire was for Jesus’ light to shine into the dark arguments and give life. John is a passionate man, bold to light the path to heaven. I pray we all are, too. Prayer: I pray, Holy Spirit, for Jesus’ light to remove any darkness in my mind. I pray I am a true witness to the Light. Amen Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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