Luke 24:28-32 As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus acted as if he were going farther. 29 But they urged him strongly, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them. 30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. 32 They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”
HOW mysterious and wondrous are the ways our Lord works. Do you have a similar testimony to the way the Lord one day awakened your heart and mind to him? Did your heart burn within you then to want more of Jesus? Here is how Jesus ignited burning hearts into Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus. 1) The two men walked with Jesus. 2) They listened to Jesus reveal the Scriptures. 3) They sat down with Jesus in fellowship. Yes, their walk was physical, but it was also spiritual. Jesus came, and they welcomed him into their presence. In a like manner, when you welcome the Lord into your presence, you submit to his leading. You will more readily find the right paths into his daily purpose for your life. Your Good Shepherd will lead you not into temptation but away from evil. Let him direct you. Submit to his true path. Jesus so loves you, he walks with you. Second, study the Scriptures. Have a plan to read the entire Bible. Knowing God when he walks into your presence requires understanding all he tells you. The Bible is Spirit-given to reveal God to you. Do not pick and choose the “good parts”. Trust it is all good. Some of it isn’t necessarily exciting reading, but it is necessary reading. The more you realize it is God’s loving revelation to you, the more you will treasure all he says. The Spirit so loves you, he revealed the Scriptures to you. Third, be in fellowship with Jesus. The apostle Paul defines such union with our Lord: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.”. 1 Thess 2:7 “Thank God continually. Be attentive to others who work for Christ.” 1 Thess 1:3 “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is loving fellowship with Jesus, living as he lived. Unceasing prayer is not about being constantly on your knees, but it is about being in an attitude prepared to petition, praise and thank God for each aspect of your life. The Holy Spirit fills your heart with love for God and for your neighbors. You read the Bible, hear a sermon, learn a lesson, talk of God with others, meditate on his Word and pray for understanding. Fellowship with Jesus is doing all you do in nis name for his purposes. The Father so loves you, he brings you into fellowship with the Son. The two men in Emmaus awakened to their gracious Lord’s presence with them. Has the Lord come to walk with you? Do you welcome him, learn from him and relate to him? Have you received him into your life? Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for walking with me. I pray my heart daily burns with love to be with you. Amen. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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