Mark 6:33 But many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them.
ARE you running to Jesus? The people of Galilee ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of Jesus and his disciples. They ran to Jesus’ next preaching and healing place. They were excited! They had heard his preaching and had seen his healing. They wanted more! Many likely invited friends and family. God’s power was raining over the land. A dry and thirsty people were drinking in his reviving, renewing love. We thank God this was just the beginning of a great desire for God’s Word in many places since that day. Remember, his Spirit is over the earth today, just as he was at creation. He indwells all who believe, and his power quickens millions of hearts to know God’s Word. There are countless times when God has stirred thousands of people to fill streets, auditoriums, stadiums and hillsides, so his people hear and live God’s Word. The Spirit has also done a mighty work of revival in many places. For example, in the early 1800’s a revival began in the U.S. on a college campus with one small Bible study. This faithful work exploded into thousands of students on many campuses confessing Christ. Again in New York City in 1857, the great Fulton Street revival broke out from one small prayer group. It grew to be an expansive noon-time prayer gathering throughout the city as people filled churches and auditoriums. Some even stood in the street because the rooms were full. In 1904 a great revival swept through Wales, changing the culture to the point the police and courts had no criminals to prosecute! Throughout the world today people are running to Jesus. In our limited view of Jesus’ church, we might see the church becoming smaller. But it’s not. Our Lord continues to build his church on the rock of the gospel. And Hades will not overcome it. (Matthew 16:18) How do you run to Jesus today? You utilize his means of grace, don’t you? The Bible is God’s map to guide you into a true relationship with him. The Holy Spirit helps you understand the Bible. A regular time of praying, listening to God’s Word taught and reading good books are some ways you can go to Jesus, ready to learn and grow in faith. This running to Jesus is called sanctification.. As Father, Spirit and Son, God has shown us through his Word that he is an active God, continually moving forward. He calls you the follow him, so you can be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48) Jesus warned there are many who want to draw you into their philosophies or self-proclaimed truth. In his magnificent love, Jesus preached that you must pursue only God’s perfection. He has given you the means to know the right way. May the Spirit guide your running to the Son. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
March 2025
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