Dear Friends,
As Barb and I prepare to go to Eldoret, Kenya on October 11, I'd like to offer this testimony of God's provision. We have been studying God's hand to care for Elijah and Elisha and those to whom they ministered. We have seen God act through these men to protect and resurrect lives. He continues to do so. First of all, you may recall I asked for prayer about a month ago regarding a longstanding issue I've had with heart arrhythmia. I had prayed last winter before I came to Tennessee that God would resolve this issue. I'm happy to report that he has done exactly that! Through a series of tests and procedures I am now taking a prescription that brings my heart into a normal rhythm. This is a great feeling of comfort to my daily living and my emotional peace. I am deeply grateful to our Lord for guiding my pathway to this resolution. A second provision comes through you and many others. It was also about a month ago that I asked you to pray for and consider helping raise $2,000.00 for the transportation of pastors, mainly from Uganda to come to the conference where I will be teaching. These occasions are critical for pastors as an opportunity to first know Scripture and second to teach the Bible to their villages, neighborhoods and churches. Joyfully, I can tell you that God did more as he often does. To this day we have received $4,000.00 for this help! Yes, a double portion has Elisha prayed. This will double the opportunity for pastors to attend. This will help them also to be fed and housed while at the conference. This will multiply in ways we will never know this side of Heaven the work God has planned for his people's salvation. How does it feel to be part of God's eternal plans? In addition, we have received another $1,000.00 designated for orphan care. As God led me to form the non-profit One With God in May, someone asked how much money I expected to raise this year. In my own estimation, I expected somewhere around $15,000. We are now just over $23,000, and there are pledges for additional donations yet this year. I'm now praying for $30,000.00 - a double portion. This has come through prayer. I made a decision earlier this summer I would not engage in fundraising activities - other than the very occasional email - but would pray about this. God has said a big, "Yes." to my prayers and those of you who have joined me in these petitions. We praise and thank God for what he has done to prepare us for these next two weeks. If you would please cover us in prayer during this time for these provisions:1) The Holy Spirit to give Barb and me the strength and wisdom to truly teach His Word during 5 very intensive days. 2) For many to come and hear the teaching. 3) For this teaching to be put into use in the pastors' ministry. 4) For safe and connected traveling. 5) For good health. In the celebration of Psalm 136 and in His service, Bob and Barb James Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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