Numbers 20-21, 33
Numbers 20:12-13 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.” 13 These were the waters of Meribah, where the Israelites quarreled with the Lord and where he showed himself holy among them. Numbers has much to do with counting the tribes, soldiers and priests in Israel. Perhaps one could also number the many accounts of needless trouble in the nation. These three chapters reveal God’s enduring efforts to transform a disobedient, angry Israel into a faithful nation who loves God above all. Remember, love is the moving force of God’s will. I AM had formed Israel to be an example of his loving blessings to a sin-troubled world. But Israel loved themselves first. Alas, they preferred the trouble. Even the now passionate Moses and Aaron missed the Promised Land because of their unneeded sin. Told to speak to a rock to draw water for the nation’s thirst, Moses angrily, forcefully and pridefully struck it twice. Two times he committed a purposeful direct act against God’s Word. Consequently, God kept Moses and Aaron from the Promised Land. Do you think God was too harsh? After all, they had diligently worked nearly 40 years to lead a rebellious people into God’s specific commands. Worship was to be perfectly done. Aaron had learned of God’s precision through his sons’ deaths. For a moment Moses rejected God’s commands. That’s all sin needs – one moment when we put ourselves above God’s commands. The people saw Moses act, and the glory moved from God to the man. A second trouble in this section is the plague of the snakes. Again, the people murmured against God and Moses. Had they forgotten their sin is the reason for the 40 yeas wandering? How quickly we name God as our enemy when we have betrayed him! There are two things we must know: our sin will reveal his judgment; our obedience will reveal his blessings. Third, Numbers 33 could be called a summary of Israel’s unneeded trouble. This roundabout, repetitious journey was not God’s first plan. The 40-year wandering was God’s punishment who rejected I AM’s judgment and blessing promises. Be thankful God is love. He came to earth to stop sin’s deadly plague on our souls: John 3:14 “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up.” Jesus is the Father’s love to save you from death. Look to Jesus and remove the trouble of your soul. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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