John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”
THERE are many times in John’s gospel when Jesus describes who he is. Here he identifies himself as the Savior. “I have come that they (all believers) may have life.” Here is the God of creation, who has humbled himself to come to a wretched people. (That’s us, wretched in our sin.) He comes not to steal our joy, not to ridicule our weaknesses, not to subject us to slavery, not to hurt or destroy us. He comes that we may have life! Life from Jesus is more than simply waking up in the morning and being able to breathe and exist. Life from Jesus is savoring his presence, enjoying each moment because you know he loves you. Have you ever been in love? You smile inside when you think of the person. You love the sound of his/her voice. Eagerly, you set aside time to be with your love. Your purpose is to please and protect your loved one. That is the way of a living relationship with Jesus. What’s more, you eagerly anticipate where Jesus invites you to go with him each day. Life is loving him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Life is loving your neighbor as yourself. Life is believing in Jesus’ love for you. Life in Christ begins with an active love. He loves you to come that you may have life. You love him to actively respond to him. Celebrate and receive your Savior’s gift of life to the full. Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you invite us to join with you in a full life now and forevermore. Amen. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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