Hebrews 10:23-25 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
THESE words are a wonderful summary of what it means to be Jesus’ church. Each church should have these words printed somewhere to be read often. This would help each person in the church become more focused and remain steadfast in the way to be a united community for Jesus. This is who Jesus wants us to be as we await his return. What does it look like to hold unswervingly to the hope we possess? Think about possessing something. You own it, so you can do something with it. The hope you possess is the sure knowledge Jesus has redeemed you to eternal life. You own this faith because God has given it to you. You have received it in faith, confessing, “Yes, Lord, I want to be your disciple.” Now, what will you do with this faith you own? It’s often said that one must “own” a given responsibility. You must use it to the advantage for others. For example, “Own up to being a father, a good mother. Own up to being a good employee.” God wants you to own your faith. Be a responsive, responsible Christian. Use your faith for the good of your life and the good of Jesus’ church. A church, too, must spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Love and good deeds are mentioned together because love is an emotion that becomes a catalyst to do good deeds. This is Jesus’ example. He has been steadfast to love us and to do the good deeds among us since creation. Love must be a binding force in the church to equip us with the desire and the means to do the good deeds our Lord sets before us. But faith, love and good deeds will mean very little if a church gives up meeting together. We consider in this era of the pandemic when many churches did not meet. But this is not a pandemic problem. This is a problem rooted in a lack of faith and love for God. Persecution, pandemics and many other problems can threaten a church. But amid all the issues, the church must find a way to continue meeting together. God designed his church to be a community of people who will encourage one another. Encouragement is a vital community “glue” that holds people together. When negative circumstances overwhelm us, we can lose our desire to meet with others. The Lord wants you to know you are his, and he always wants you to be with him. Yes, you can be with Jesus when you are alone, but you can be much more with Jesus when you are in the company of his church. Be willing to be encouraged. Be eager to encourage others. Hebrews urges the church to these things because of the Day approaching. We don’t know when Jesus is returning. We don’t know when our life on earth will end. Each moment of life is precious. We have been called to minister the gospel in Jesus’ church. Let us be urgent to do so. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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