Mark 7:24-29 Jesus left that place (Capernaum) and went to the vicinity of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret. 25 In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an evil spirit came and fell at his feet. 26 The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter. 27 “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” 28 “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “but even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” 29 Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”
IF you have a dog and a small child in the house, you notice how quickly the dog learns to get next to the child at meal time. The dog knows crumbs will fall, and he will eat. Do you know to go next to Jesus? Even a “crumb” of his glory will satisfy your appetite for love and joy in your life. It seems Jesus needed some rest, so he left Israel for a ministry break in Tyre. The town still exists today along the Mediterranean Sea and just north of Israel’s border. He wanted to remain unnoticed in a house. But soon a desperate mother heard, “Jesus of Nazareth is here.” In faith she immediately went to him. It’s not easy for her to do this. She is a woman, considered a second-class citizen. She is a Gentile. In Matthew’s account, the disciples urged Jesus, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” (Matthew 15:23b) Jesus also seemed to be against her: Matthew 15:24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” And here in Mark: “First let he children eat all they want.” Still she kept going to Jesus because she knew he saved, restored and renewed life. The mother’s faith is relentless. She spoke with victory. Fully trusting Jesus’ authority she knows a crumb is all she needs from the LORD God. Jesus tells us many times the kingdom of heaven begins small and grows to giant portions. The Syrian Phoenician woman goes home celebrating God’s victory for her daughter. Do you ever feel God is against you? Do you think he has reserved his favor for others? We can learn from this woman’s response. She knew what Jesus was doing. She quickly and confidently went to him. She did not argue with Jesus about his mission to the Jews. This faithful mother accepted her position and confessed all she needed was a little. There was no anger, no self-pity, no self-serving, “I deserve what you’re giving the Jews!” She knew only a little from him would conquer the demon. Jesus loved her faith. “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.” The woman never questioned or doubted Jesus. She simply believed. Her belief took her to Jesus. Her belief submitted to his authority. Her belief pleased the Lord, and he healed her daughter. When you believe God is too far from you, remember his very personal promise to be near you: Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Be passionate to seek God’s favor. Be faithful to his authority and wait for his response. He will reveal himself to you. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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