Luke 17:34-37 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left. 36 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.” 37 “Where, Lord?” they asked. He replied, “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.”
ONE view of God’s plan to judge and restore the world to his glory is called premillennialism. This isn’t really a big word. Simply put, this is a belief that before (pre) Christ’s final judgment, he will establish a 1,000-year (millennial) period from which he will take his believers to save them from the great trials that will then occur. During that millennium, those not saved in faith will still have time to repent and be saved. Popular fictions have been written about one will be taken and the other one left. But we must be careful to look closely at Jesus’ words here to know Jesus’ judgment is final. These verses teach that those who believe in Jesus when he comes will be with God. Those who do not will be separated from him. Two people may share the same bed as in marriage (In Jesus’ day and in some cultures, sharing a bed is very common.), but only one may be a believer and be saved. Others work together with much in common. Friends enjoy time together. But when Jesus comes, time is gone, and his decrees are final. He draws his own to him. The unfaithful are cast into Hell. The disciples then asked where this would happen, hoping to also understand when it would happen. They had not yet conceived of the Kingdom of God consuming the entire world. And certainly they were eager for this to occur, sure they would be taken. “To answer the disciples’ question, Jesus quoted a familiar proverb. One vulture circling overhead does not mean much, but a gathering of vultures means that a dead body is nearby. Likewise, one sign of the end may not be significant, but when many signs occur, the Second Coming will be near.” (from The Life Application Commentary) Throughout his ministry, Jesus preached the necessity of being in a personal relationship with him. Neither your relationships with friends, the rules you follow, your church membership nor your relatives from the past, will alone save you. You must be in a right relationship with Jesus to know he is the Son of God now. Do not wait for “someday”. The most horrible fate of all (Read again Luke 16.) is to live eternally separated from God. Call on his name and be saved. Rejoice in the incredible, eternal friend we have in Jesus! Prayer: Thank you, Father, that these words from Luke and other scriptures are your loving words to warn us of your ultimate judgment on our lives. Move this day, Holy Spirit, to draw those who are separated from the Father into a holy, eternal union with him. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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