Ezekiel 45:8(b)-12 My princes will no longer bully my people, running roughshod over them. They'll respect the land as it has been allotted to the tribes. 9 "This is the Message of God , the Master: 'I've put up with you long enough, princes of Israel! Quit bullying and taking advantage of my people. Do what's just and right for a change. 10 Use honest scales — honest weights and honest measures. 11 Every pound must have sixteen ounces. Every gallon must measure four quarts. The ounce is the basic measure for both. 12 And your coins must be honest — no wooden nickels! (from THE MESSAGE)
GOD instructs Ezekiel further regarding his plans to restore his people to Jerusalem. He has shown to Ezekiel the rebuilding of the physical temple and reforming the acts of worship through the priests. Now God instructs the political renewal of Judah. The term "prince" relates to a government official who will rule. As you may recall, Ezekiel describes God's judgment over 25 ungodly, idolatrous men (See Ezekiel 11). One reason for God's judgment on Judah was in response to its ungodly leaders. Judah cannot fully be God's nation if its political leaders are not fully God's men (something to think about). God teaches the traits that must mark the new princes - the future leaders. They must replace greed with grace. They are to be fair and true in all their dealings with the people. In no way are they to take advantage of their power for personal gain. In the language of "ThE MESSAGE" we can hear God's imploring words - straighten up and do what's right! These are lessons for today. Certainly most of us are pointing our fingers at political or church leaders we know who do not live into these commands. But let's consider our own hearts. First, are you willing to lead? As a Christian, you must be willing to lead for Jesus wherever you are. You are to do so with these same traits God describes here. You must also lead for Jesus by the means of holding fast to his gospel wherever you are. You've heard the phrase, "lead people to Jesus" haven't you? The best way to do so is to live and speak with integrity the truth of God's commands. Lead true with your actions and your words. If you don't, who will? Prayer: Lord God, stir my heart to lead people to know you. Amen. Note: Historians believe it was July 31, 593 BC when God called Ezekiel to his prophetic ministry. Comments are closed.
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March 2025
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