Matthew 10:34-38 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. 37 Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”
A number of Bible teachings are labeled “hard sayings.” This is one. Such direct teaching that seems to judge the family structures could cause one to say, “I want no part of such a God, who teaches family members will reject one another. I simply want peace in my life and to enjoy my family.” Yes, it can be “hard” or difficult to understand why the Lord would speak of a divided family. But Jesus was emphasizing the supremacy of God, consistent with his Word from the beginning of time. Look back to Genesis and remember that in God’s perfect creation our first parents were formed with a very intimate love relationship with the Father. In the first family, Adam and Eve needed to place God above each other and to honor one another as God’s children. In the temptation, Eve placed herself above both God and her husband. Adam’s response to her sin should have been to turn to God and seek his Wisdom to restore Eve to love God first. But Adam placed Eve’s sin above God, too; then he joined in the sin. The family unit was given greater priority than God and his commands. Yes, in some ways families can be “at peace” in a worldly way, even as none live for the Lord. But what happens when one person says, “I confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior.” Immediately the family is divided. Perhaps it is not a physical division in some households. But there is always an underlying spirit of division in the family that does not fully love God. That’s why husbands and wives should not be unequally yoked. In many families, confessing Jesus will cause great division and even a casting out of the believer from the family. Jesus points us to true peace. Jesus must be supreme in each earthly community. Even a “good” family cannot save you. We need to know this. Too many people put family above the Lord, believing they are doing the best thing. But the best thing – the only thing – is putting Jesus first. As the definition of family has been rewritten in the world, people do not understand how the love of God is the essential element for true family peace. A Christian must not submit to ungodly relationships in the family. We are to love the unsaved but not live as the unsaved. The gospel is a catalyst of conflict because the world rejects it. But the gospel will ultimately reshape the world into God’s eternal promises as we persevere in God’s truth. Commit to Jesus. No one must be greater than the King. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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