Luke 11:2b “your kingdom come.”
DO you really want to pray this? As one of Jesus’ disciples has asked, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Jesus has responded with 1) Address God relationally with “Father”. 2) Pray for God’s name to be made holy in your heart and throughout the world. Then Jesus taught 3) Pray for the kingdom to come. What does “kingdom come” mean? “Kingdom” is the rule of a king, isn’t it? We know that Jesus came to inaugurate the Kingdom of God on earth with the gospel message. The kingdom became evident through Jesus’ Father-directed and Spirit-powered ministry. God in three Persons was unified in his kingly work. Jesus was the Trinity’s physical form to personally reveal God’s plan to re-establish his full reign over all the earth one day. Yes, God is a planner. He knows what his sole earthly rule with look like. And he has graciously given us a view. Many Old Testament scriptures, for example, reveal this fulfilled age. For example: Zechariah 14:9 The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name. This is the plan. Jesus teaches us to pray for the plan to be fulfilled. Now, you may ask, “As God will complete his plan, why pray for it?” In response, I would encourage you to remember the Lord’s Prayer is to be your prayer. As he answers his disciple’s prayer question, Jesus is instructing all of us to keep our minds thinking forward into God’s ultimate reign on earth. The Lord wants to hear our trusting hearts call on him to come. He desires you speak your faith. Speaking “your kingdom come”, you are telling the Lord, “I long for your reign to be complete throughout the earth again. Eagerly I anticipate the day you will free us from sin, to give our lives unrestrained peace and joy. I give my life you, Lord. I love you and desire to live now into the glorious new Heaven and earth you promise.” Yes, “your kingdom come” is an expression of expectant love to the hallowed Father. You are eager to see him face-to-face. You can’t wait to live in the King’s eternal home prepared for you. John 14:2-4 “In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.” Great is the love and joy the King offers to all who are saved from sin. Now I again ask, “Do you really want to pray this? Will the holy God welcome you with, “Come, my child, into my mansion”? If you do not have such assurance, if you are not ready for the kingdom to come, then it’s time for you to pray to the Father: Prayer: Father in Heaven, you are holy. I confess I am a sinner unworthy to be in your holy presence. Forgive my sins, Lord. Cleanse my heart with Jesus’ blood. I welcome Jesus as Lord of my life. Send your Spirit to dwell within me. I repent of my past. I turn to eagerly meet you face-to-face. Come, Lord Jesus. Amen. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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