Proverbs 15:15 For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.
THE hostess has prepared a great meal of fresh vegetables, a nice piece of meat, fresh fruit and delicious dessert. One of her two guests shows little regard for the meal. He complains about not enough carrots and too many peaches. He wants his meat cooked longer. He wonders aloud why the hostess had pie instead of cake for dessert. The unhappy guest feels he deserves to be at the meal, so he should be treated to his satisfaction. The other guest praises the food. He doesn’t particularly like his meat as well as other food, but he tells his hostess how wonderful it tastes. He compliments her on the other food and presentation of the meal. The happy guest knows he did nothing special to be invited to the meal. So he is blessed to be there and eager to let others know. To whom do you think the hostess will offer a second helping first? Who do you think will rise from the table satisfied? Which guest will be invited for another meal? Which guest are you? Do you see life as what people owe you or as what God gives to you? Do you believe you deserve all you have and should have more? Or are you grateful you have anything at all? Do you grumble aloud or in your heart that God owes you much more than you have? Or do you thankfully receive his offerings, even if they are not exactly what you desire? The despondent heart views life as “I have to.” The grateful heart views life as “I get to.” I remember talking with someone who was moving soon from her lifelong family home. Her attitude was relaxed and happy. She was looking forward to the next serving God had for her and her husband. She was ready for a new feast with her Father. How happy we are when we are grateful for what we have and anticipate the next offering God has for us. God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth. (Matthew 5:5) Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
January 2025
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