Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.
NOAH is Hebrews’ second example of faith’s definition: Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. The Bible describes the world around Noah with God’s judgment: Genesis 6:7 “I am grieved that I have made them.” We can believe that Noah hoped for a great change in people’s behavior. A righteous man loves God, and he wants others to love God, too. A righteous man hopes for salvation for the lost and broken. Then God commanded Noah to build an ark – an enormous container measuring 600 feet long, 100 feet wide and 60 feet high. It was large enough to hold two of each animal and many species of birds from around the world. The ark was salvation for Noah and his family. A flood? What is that? It is believed the world was watered by springs from the deep before the flood. Water that would cover the earth was incomprehensible. But Noah had faith in things he had not yet seen. He believed God would do what God said he would do. After all, hadn’t God created the heavens and the earth? Surely he could do something he had not done before. If God had spoken the world into existence, one must have faith in what God says. Hebrews says Noah in holy fear built an ark to save his family. What is holy fear? This is a response to God in love, worship and expectation. A holy fear is the wisdom to know God is true to his word. One understands God’s power to destroy and to save. He has a right fear of God’s judgment and a holy response to God’s salvation. Holy fear is obeying God with gratitude for his benevolent goodness to choose us to salvation. Noah was extremely grateful God had granted him the faith to do this great work. And out of this work God would save Noah’s family. Has God chosen you? Do you gratefully enjoy a loving relationship with him? Are you listening to him with a holy fear? Noah’s faith also condemned the world. This means that Noah’s obedience revealed the world’s disobedience. When people know you live as you do because you follow Jesus Christ, but they reject the Bible, your faithful life condemns them. They see what is right, but their refusal to do right is their condemnation. Noah is your ancestor in Jesus Christ. He had heard the wonder of God’s work to create and the promise to redeem. He believed God. And his belief saved him from condemnation. Noah’s faith moved God’s redemptive plan through judgment toward the cross. Note Hebrews 11 is focusing on individuals whose faith made a significant difference in God’s salvation plan. Hebrews will mention 14 more men and women whose individual lives built a framework of responsive faith for us today. In turn, each of us has a responsibility to faithfully frame Jesus’ salvation for the next generations. Be a righteous man, woman in God’s sight. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
March 2025
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