Matthew 25:26-27 His master replied, “You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27 Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.”
WE’VE been looking at this “Parable of the Talents” (Matthew 25:14-30) as part of Jesus’ Olivet Discourse. Jesus was two to three days from the cross. He was urgent to help his disciples understand the cost and commitment of true discipleship. To summarize, Jesus’ lesson, a master leaves on a journey and entrusts three servants with large sums of money. Jesus said, “He entrusted his property to them.” (Matthew 5:14b) This is a remarkable act. The man gave to three servants property he had surely worked to obtain for many years. This is the story of a master entrusting his servants with great value. It is interesting there are no instructions for the servants. The master leaves, and the servants respond to their newfound responsibility. What would you do if this happened to you? The parable tells us two servants double the master’s sum. One servant buried his master’s money. He was afraid of his master’s wrath if he errored in using the money. But that servant did give back the full amount to the master upon his return. The master, however, was angry the servant was so afraid of him and failed to add even interest to the money. The parable helps us understand discipleship is diligently serving the eternal God with the spiritual gifts he has given to us. Jesus teaches that a faithless fear is a “wicked” and “lazy” attitude. Hiding, burying what the Master entrusts to us while he is away will incur the wrath of Jesus Christ, the Judge. In addition to the spiritual lessons, the parable has a very practical economic lesson. Jesus’ words encourage and support a proper banking system. Note how the master rebukes the servant for his failure to even put the money in a bank to earn interest. Yes, it is wise to make money with your money if it is done properly under God’s guidance. Let’s then focus on using money. What do you do with money the Master gives you each day? I know many of you struggle for essential funds for basic needs. But all of us receive some amount of money for our lives. Each amount is from God, isn’t it? What then, do you do with it? Are you “wicked” to “bury it” in some useless habit, needless luxury or harmful substances? Or do you invest God’s money for useful things – healthy food, a safe home, education, tithes and offerings? Kingdom living is about investing and using well all things the Lord has given to you. While he is away, Jesus has given us means to steward the earth. A good monetary system and economic wisdom allows us to make good use of his land, water, crops and education. Glorify God with a stable life that uses money wisely. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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