Luke 9:28-29 About eight days after Jesus said this (his kingdom of God reaching), he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. 29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning.
THIS event is known as the Transfiguration of Christ. First, let’s understand “transfigure” means “to transform one’s appearance revealing great beauty and magnificence.” Jesus’ appearance changed from a typical human into the Son of God. Peter, James and John gazed upon Jesus’ heavenly glory, personally experiencing his extraordinary brightness, light and beauty. God certainly favored these three disciples that day. Their faith and their lives would certainly change. But at first look, the Transfiguration seems to be a wasted on these three. Very soon after this, the brothers John and James sought their own kingdom glory. They selfishly asked to sit to the left and right of Jesus’ throne. Their kingdom view remained unglorified, focused on an earthly throne, not Heaven’s eternal throne. Peter, too, seemed unaffected as he would continue to push back against Jesus’ commitment to the cross. Peter, too, denied his relationship to Jesus three times as Jesus stood trial before the Jewish religious authorities. Seeing these disciples’ lives soon after the Transfiguration, we can wonder, “Did this view of Jesus’ glory serve any good purpose?” We can answer that as we stop to pay attention to our lives. If you’re paying attention, you will look at your life with God to see that every experience with him makes a difference in your life. Sometimes the change was immediate. More often experiencing God’s glorious love, forgiveness and mercy would affect your faith walk months and years later. When we look longer at the disciples’ lives, we know the Transfiguration did grow their faith and empower their lives. For example, Peter and John were the first two to run to the empty tomb. Surely they ministered, too, in great assurance the resurrected Christ was alive in his heavenly glory because they had seen his glory! Moreover, you can read in Acts 3-8 and 10 to see how Peter, the transfigured fisherman, passionately obeyed the Lord’s call to preach, heal, evangelize and defend the faith. Boldly he stood before the same rulers who killed Jesus to stand up for the living Jesus! Even more, other historical writings tell us of Peter’s great sufferings for Christ. Likewise, the Spirit transfigured John into a powerful evangelist and writer. Influenced with his view of Jesus’ glory, he would write his gospel with the theme of Jesus’ deity pouring from each page. Also, the visions of Revelation reaffirmed to John and to all of us that the glorious, transfigured Lord is coming at the end of the Age. As James, then, died a martyr in the early church, we can be sure he moved into this severe calling with a sure faith. How confidently he must have approached his death, how powerfully he must have witnessed of the Lord because he knew he was about to be transfigured from his earthly body into Heaven’s glory. How joyous he would have been to know he was soon to see the Transfigured Jesus face to face forever. Obviously, we can’t know specifically how Jesus’ Transfiguration affected these three. But we know this: No one can stand in God’s holy presence and remain unchanged. Are you transfigured in Christ? You are if you confess, “Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior. I confess my sins. I welcome you into my heart to love you in all aspects of my life.” In such a confession, the Spirit has come to transform your faith to believe in Jesus’ atoning blood for your life. He has made you transfigured in Christ as you come alive out of sin’s death into a radiant hope, love, joy, peace and beauty before the Lord. Look for and note Jesus’ glory in your life. See how he has changed you. Be in awe. Worship his saving death. Celebrate his glorious resurrection. Welcome his stunning love, Live in joy. Know the Spirit of God has transfigured you into the beauty of being one with God. Prayer: Holy Spirit, transfigure my heart, mind and soul to daily and faithfully display your glory to the world. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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