Daniel 9:25-26a “Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing.”
WE have seen how six spiritual events pointing to a remnant of Jews’ repentance. God’s saving work will occur within the seventy sevens – 490 years. Now we’ll divide the seventy sevens into three separate timeframes. Within those times are three historic events regarding the Jews’ future. The first time period is seven sevens – 49 years. This is 445 BC when Artaxerxes issued through Nehemiah the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. As written in Nehemiah the walls were rebuilt in 52 days, and there were times of trouble to oppose the work. And as you can understand, it would require much more time to remove and restore the rubble of the city Babylon had burned and leveled. In the second segment is 62 sevens – 434 years. At the end of this time the Anointed One, the ruler will come. This is the prophecy of Jesus. Thus, from 445 BC to the day of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem is 483 years: this is 49 years to rebuild the temple plus 434 years. Jesus entered Jerusalem to officially present himself to the nation of Israel as the Messiah – the Anointed One. It is likely Jesus referred to this prophecy when he lamented on that day, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes.” (Luke 19:42). To Daniel, God had revealed his plan. But the Jews disregarded his pan, purpose and timetable. As a result, Jesus, the Anointed One, was then cut off – crucified. We know those dates in history are from 445 BC to about 29/30 AD. Yes, this is 475 years on our calendar. The prophecy, though, is written in the Hebrew calendar, which has 360 lunar days and no leap year. The total of the seven sevens and 62 sevens are 483 Hebrew years. This accounts for 69 of the 70 sevens. We’ll look at that one seven in verse 27. This is God’s ultimate purpose, isn’t it? Through visions, dreams, prophecies and promises fulfilled, God continually points his people to a Savior. Yet, they continually reject him – even to this day. This is one reason for the repeated visions of the world’s empires in Daniel 2-8. God revealed multiple descriptions of particular kingdoms to come. The fulfillment of these visons is evidence of God’s true Word. We can look at this point in history to know the many ways God’s Word is true. The Triune God is moving world history to prepare for his Kingdom. The world – and your future – is in his hands. Matthew 21:10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
March 2025
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