Daniel 2:39-40 “After you, another kingdom will rise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. 40 Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron — for iron breaks and smashes everything — and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others.”
DANIEL has just affirmed the king’s God-appointed role as the earth’s most powerful ruler. But Daniel’s next words might have been difficult for him to say. This proud, powerful and angry king could violently object to, “After you, another kingdom will rise, inferior to yours.” How could an inferior kingdom replace Babylon’s king of kings? Indeed, this is the Lord’s message, and this was the prophecy of kingdoms to come after Babylon. History records the statue’s various metals represented three powerful kingdoms to rule from eastern Asia to southern Europe to eastern Africa and to India. The silver chest and arms is Medo-Persia. The arms represented the two countries Media and Persia combining as one under Cyrus the Great. You will see Cyrus in 2 Chronicles and Ezra. He is the ruler who would allow the Jews to return to Israel to fulfill God’s promise to return his people after 70 years in exile. The bronze belly and thighs represented the Greeks, led by Alexander the Great. Alexander conquered the Persians first in Greece, then the Mid-East to control Persia’s vast holdings. The Greeks ruled for 300 years. The iron that breaks and smashes everything is the Roman Empire. The bronze legs represented Rome’s vast rule that stood over the ancient world – most of Europe as well as India. Daniel did not know the names and times of these future kingdoms. But he knew in God’s plan they would come. Daniel is God’s loyal spokesman. His voice could be seen as rebellious to Nebuchadnezzar, who craved supreme power. Surely he thought his kingdom would stand the strength of time to overcome all attempts to destroy it. But power is fleeting isn’t it? The Lord will give it to earthy rulers, and he will remove it. There are very, very few people whose leadership impacts generations beyond their lives. You, in contrast, have been raised up to lead for Christ. Your task is to build a legacy of faith into your family that will last forever. You know all nations will fall one day. You know the Kingdom of God is forever. Whom will you serve? Psalms 45:5 Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king's enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. 6 Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. Comments are closed.
AuthorBob James Archives
March 2025
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