IIsaiah 11:10 In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious.
& Isaiah 45:23 By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked: Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear. & From Mary: Luke 1:54 “He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful 55 to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers.” & From the priest Zechariah: Luke 1:68 “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people. 69 He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David 70 (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago), 71 salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us – 72 to show mercy to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant, 73 the oath he swore to our father Abraham: 74 to rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to serve him without fear 75 in holiness and righteousness before him all our days. 76 And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, 77 to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, 78 because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven 79 to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.” WORDS from Isaiah, Mary and the priest Zechariah, who is John the Baptist’s father, point to God fulfilling his covenant with Abraham: Genesis 12:2 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples will be blessed through you.” The prophecies and praises are true. Out of Abraham’s loin has come first the prophets to prophesy the coming Messiah. The Father used Mary to bear the Son. Then John came to literally point to and baptize the Son of God. From the Son’s ministry and through his resurrection the Spirit has ignited the church of Jesus Christ throughout the entire earth. Yes, there remain some people groups who have yet to know of Jesus. But the gospel is expanding day-by-day to unreached people. One day God’s Banner will be everywhere to declare salvation in Jesus’ name has come to the nations. Paul confirms God’s ultimate purpose in Romans 14:11 It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.’” God’s redemptive Savior will reign throughout the entire earth. This is Christmas joy. This is life’s joy. There is no reason to be dismayed or doubtful. There is only a sure hope in the Christian’s life because we know Jesus’ name is above all names throughout the world. Try as they might persecutors can never, will never silence God. Prayer: O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. (Psalm 8:1) Amen. Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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