December 18
A Strange Combination Luke 1:50 His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. LOOK at this verse. Do you think “mercy” and “fear” go together? Wouldn’t it make more sense if Mary said “mercy’ and “love”? How does mercy extend to those who fear God? Let me ask you this. Did you ever argue with your dad against something he wanted you to do with him? Who won? Did you stand firm in your disagreement, then walk away satisfied you made your point? Were you happy you got our own way? And did your father perhaps walk away thinking, “My child does not respect me.” Who won? You didn’t. Oh, you may think you did, but you didn’t. You got your way, but you lost a part of your way to a more loving relationship with your father. You showed no respect, no “fear” for his authority and position as head of your family. In response, your father wondered, “Does my child love me?” This type of relationship with your father continued for years. You obeyed him only when it was convenient for you. Then one day you got into trouble. “Dad, can I have some money to fix my car?” His response surprised you. “No, my child, you have rejected me too many times. You show me no respect when I ask for your obedience. You will have to solve your problem on your own.” For many years your dad has granted you mercy. He’s fed you, clothed you, housed you and offered you much more. But now your dad is out of mercy for you, his wayward child. He asked repeatedly for you to obey him. But you said, “No.” Now your dad has awakened you to the penalty of your disobedience. Then you discover that you don’t like this separation. You realize you’ve been wrong, so you become humble before your father. You say, “I’m sorry, dad. I have disobeyed you. Please forgive me.” Mercifully your father says, “You are forgiven. Come home, and I will take care of you.” This is a picture of God’s relationship with the Jews as God called them to obey his commands. For centuries God mercifully pursued Israel as they consistently disobeyed him. When he said, “No more.” he removed himself from their presence, and they suffered horribly. When God’s children realized their sin and sought his forgiveness, obeyed his laws and feared his judgment, their heavenly Father showed them great mercy. Yes, “mercy” and “fear” do go together. We must fear God. He is absolute over your life. He will leave you if you ignore him. He will punish you if you disobey him. Mercifully, he gives you a way back to him through Jesus Christ. Instead of using his absolute authority to destroy mankind, he offered his Son up on a cross, so you can be healed of your disobedient heart. Fear God’s wrath on your sins. Repent and receive God’s mercy that welcomes you home to the Father. Prayer: Father, you are just and true. Forgive my sins. Teach me your merciful ways. Grant me a heart to extend your mercy to others. In Jesus’ name, amen. Luke 1:38 “I am the Lord's servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.
WHAT do you think of Mary’s words here? How easy are they y to say with our lips? How difficult are they to say with our heart? To say, “I am the Lord’s servant.” is to make a verbal commitment to God. Spoken aloud, you make a commitment. You sound as if you are ready to do the Master’s bidding at any moment without question. But then reality sets into your mind. “Am I really ready to serve God?” We ask more questions: “Why me, Father? Are you sure, Lord? Can this wait a few years? Are you sure you have the right person, God? Can I get back to you? What about my job? What about the things I like to do?” Mary certainly faced a huge task. As pregnant and unmarried, she knew she would face challenges, criticism and accusation. God’s law could form a legal threat against her life. Her betrothed Joseph would surely leave her, wouldn’t he? Her own family could reject her. Mary faced extreme uncertainty and sure difficulties. But here’s the thing: Mary goes anyway. She lives into her words, “I am the Lord’s servant.” God gave to her a servant’s heart. She spoke her response to Gabriel, to God, with words from her heart. Then she stepped into her service. God had prepared her heart for this enormous task. And this little teen-aged girl was ready to be God’s true servant. We see in Mary the expression of a humble, faithful and loving heart. Mary is a good model to use when we hear God’s voice call us to serve his “impossible” purposes that his will may be done on earth. If you truly desire to grow in your faith, I believe you must pray with a heart that says to God, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Prayer: Father in Heaven, I pray that I am the Lord’s servant. May my life be as you direct me. In Jesus’ name, amen. Luke 1:34-37 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” 35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. 37 For nothing is impossible with God.”
“HOW will this be?” Mary asked and wondered. I wonder what her tone was. Would she have spoken this with an attitude of “That’s impossible! No way can that happen.” Or would she have had a tone of expectation, “Wow! That sounds impossible, but I’m sure God has a way to make it happen. Tell me more.” Based on Gabriel’s response to Mary, I believe her attitude was as the latter. She could not readily understand how she as a virgin would give birth to any baby let alone to the Son of God! But she was willing to hear the possibilities. And she seemed ready to act into what she learned. Such a humble attitude to learn and to do is very necessary if we are to grow closer to God. Yes, it seems that Mary’s ears and heart were open to God’s guidance to travel onto an unknown path. The tone of the story is that she was ready to go to a new place with God. She was eager to learn how that would happen. Mary must have had a great faith in God and a great love for God. She would have called him Yahweh. And she would have seen him as God the Creator, God the Law Giver and God the freedom giver. Mary would have truly believed he was the Most High – our All in All. She seemed to actually believe “Nothing is impossible with God.” That’s faith. That is believing God and believing in God. Mary took to heart the angel’s words. I pray that for you, too. Prayer: Teach me to believe you, Father. You are, indeed, the Most High God, and I receive our impossibles for my life. In the Spirit’s power, amen. Luke 1:32-33 “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”
WHO is Jesus? The question is asked again and again. The world gives different answers. God gives the one answer. He is the Son of the Most High—the Son of God. Plain and powerful, this is the truth from the mouth of God’s messenger Gabriel. “But,” you might ask, “if Jesus is the Son of God, how can it be that the Scripture says, “The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David”? How can the Messiah have two fathers? This declaration from Gabriel points to a prophecy God gave to David and others regarding Jesus, the Messiah. A very crucial understanding of Jesus’ identity is God’s promise about his Messiah’s earthly family line. Through the prophets, God told his people that his Savior would be from David’s family lineage. “Father” here means ancestor. Gabriel’s words confirm the prophecy. To truly be Savior, Jesus had to be fully man and fully God. He had a heavenly Father, and he is descended through Mary from a particular family line as prophesied. It is also very important to know Jesus did not have a direct earthly father. Joseph was the husband of Mary. He is never given the title “father” in relationship to Jesus. And what of the term “house of Jacob” here? Jacob is the father of 12 sons who each became respectively, a head of the 12 tribes of Israel. Out of Jacob would come all the Israelites. The Israelites are Jacob’s family. Another way to say family is with the term “house”. One of his sons was Judah. Judah is the direct ancestor of David and of Mary. Matthew 1 defines this more specifically. The point is, Gabriel, the messenger, is making it absolutely clear to Mary and to Israel God is about to fulfill through her the centuries-old prophecies of his Savior. The promise of Mary’s impending pregnancy is pregnant with the reality of prophecy promises come true. This is God. God revealed his plan of salvation in Genesis. His plans are now becoming reality. And the world will receive its Savior to draw us into God’s household. God has plans for you, too. Because he loves you his plan is to draw you into his eternal presence. The best way for you to see this is to read the Bible through from beginning to end. A new year is coming. Make it your plan to watch God’s plan for the world and for you unfold from the world’s creation in Genesis to its re-creation promise in Revelation. Find a good study Bible to teach you about what you read. I daresay you will see his plans for you unveiled as you read such teachings as this one daily. Through the Bible and biblical teachings, you will hear God welcome you into his household – his eternal family. Hear his promises of judgment, salvation and his victory over sin. Believe in God’s Word, and you will believe most assuredly God will keep his promises. Luke 1:31 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.
MARY’s mind is certainly going many different directions! An angel from God comes to her. She’s been addressed as “highly favored”. She is amazed. She is uncertain. She’s terrified. Then she gets more of the message. What she hears is the answer to what every Hebrew female likely had wondered, “Will it be me? Will I be the one to give birth to our Savior?” That’s what “Jesus” means—Savior. Gabriel, the angel, just told Mary through the baby’s name that she will give birth to the Savior. Think of this. I’m in awe God would come to earth through a woman’s’ womb. Can you imagine the incredible awe Mary experienced? What would you do? I think about what it’s like when we receive really good news. Our emotions soar especially if the news is the answer to a long-held question or if the answer is a release from worry or concern. There’s a “warmth” of release, a good feeling inside as you experience the glow of God’s hand upon you. And likely you say, “Thank you, Father, for this answer to my prayer.” Yes, Mary has much to consider and to process in her heart, mind and soul. But one thing she does know, she is truly “highly favored”. Her heart is moving from a fear of God into receiving the comfort of God’s hand gently resting on her. God has, indeed, favored her with his eternal gift. Truly there is comfort and pleasure to know in your soul that God’s love graciously guides your life. Mary worshiped God. She knew about him. And now she is coming into a very, very close relationship to know him with all her heart, mind and soul. She will need God’s comforting hands many times in the future. She will be at the mercy of accusations from Joseph and their families. She will endure the long physical trip to Bethlehem, and the flight to Egypt. Her heart will mourn at the threats against her son as he debates the Pharisees and horribly goes to the cross. But then, she will experience God’s true intimate comfort! Joyfully, Mary will experience the favor of her risen Lord and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, born of a virgin to be the perfect Lamb of God. Crucified to be a sacrifice for her sins. Risen to be her conqueror over death. Ascended to be her Lord forever. Certainly a Savior has been born – to Mary, to Israel, and to all the world. Prayer: Thank you, Father, for your Savior. In Jesus’ blood we gratefully pray in thanksgiving and joy. Amen. What’s Happening?
Luke 1: 29-30 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. “YOU have found favor with God.” Uh oh. Something’s up. Have you ever had someone come to you and say, “You’re just the right person for…?” Your first reaction might be, “Now what? I don’t have time for another job or responsibility. Maybe if I don’t say anything, maybe if I play dumb, he’ll go away, and I can go home.” You don’t want any trouble. Keep life simple. Mary had no doubt something was up. God’s messenger was talking to her. His appearance stunned her. His greeting disturbed her. Could she have thought, “If God favors me, he must want something. What could he possibly want? Why would God speak to me?” Mary knew God’s history. She knew he came to average, even below average people, and asked them to do great things for him. She knew about Moses, Joshua, Rahab, Gideon, Ruth, Elijah, Nehemiah and all the others. She knew they could be described as a murderer, a prostitute and a scaredy cat. She Knew, too, some of them were very faithful throughout their lives. She knew something else about them. God had asked them to do “impossible” tasks with him. That’s why she was troubled. A message from God was life-changing. She wasn’t sure she wanted her life to change. Sound familiar? Prayer: Father God, I pray my mind is open, my ears are listening and I look past my troubled heart to see you call me to the impossible. In Jesus’ name, amen. Luke 1:26-28 “In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
THE scene shifts. We go from Zechariah and Elizabeth to the famous Christmas couple as we meet Mary. Mary becomes the main character. She’s the virgin. Oh my, Mary’s virginity is a very big deal. In Genesis 3, right after Eve and Adam made a bad decision to disobey God, God turned to Satan and said he would make the world right again. He would do so through the seed of a woman - not a woman and a man, but a woman. Genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." (underline added) And we read the great promise in Isaiah 7:14, he says, “the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (“Immanuel” means “God come down”) Oh, yes. It had been God’s plan from eternity past to bring forth a Savior for his people. And here God moved his plan one more step through this little teenaged virgin. He chose Mary from all the woman descended from Abraham and David who would ever live. Mary, you are indeed highly favored. Here’s something you might be surprised to know. You are like Mary. Yes, you are, even if you’re a man. Yes, you are even if you are married with many children. God, indeed, had a special purpose for highly favored Mary. And God has a special purpose for highly favored you. Do you think I’m crazy? I’m not. In amazement I am looking at God. Through him I’m seeing the cross. In the Spirit’s power I’m looking at God’s Word. Everything God has done since the Garden of Eden has been for you. Yes, you are highly favored. Immanuel came through the virgin to be your Savior. Immanuel came to free you from sin, to point you to Heaven, to give your life the purpose God ordained long, long, ago. Oh yes, my friend you are like Mary, highly favored and given a very special purpose in your life. Prayer: Father in Heaven, you are magnificent! Your favor is on me through Jesus’ blood and the Holy Spirit’s anointing. Teach me and move me to always live in the wonder that I have been chosen for a special purpose in Jesus. December 8
Miraculous Word Luke 1: 21-22 Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zechariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the temple. 22 When he came out, he could not speak to them. They realized he had seen a vision in the temple, for he kept making signs to them but remained unable to speak. ZECHARIAH had seen a vision, and he had heard a message from God. Then because he had lost his speech, he kept making signs to the people outside the temple. They realized quickly that something remarkable has happened to Zechariah. Perhaps God had come to Zechariah. Indeed, God did come. How about you? Have you ever considered God’s remarkable ways he has come into your life? What? You can’t think of any? Did you open a Bible today – or read the verses above from the Bible? Is it not a remarkable thing to read the Word of God? Have you ever listened to someone who is praying for you? Surely it is a miracle to hear Spirit-inspired words of mercy from someone caring for you. Stop and notice. See how there are many more miracles originating in God’s Word. And these miracles are in your life. They are spreading over the earth. Oh, yes, we can celebrate and rejoice each day in God’s miracle messages to you. Just as Zechariah’s remarkable experience came in the form of a messenger from the throne of God, so, too, do your remarkable experiences come in God’s Holy Bible, directly to you. Through his Word, Bible teachers, loving friends, a radio broadcast, a TV sermon and others – even daily emails - God steps into your daily life to powerfully break through and say, “Behold! I love you.” Yes, as Zechariah demonstrates, it is difficult for us to believe in the miracle of God’s Word come to earth. Zechariah’s doubt caused him to be speechless for a time, and perhaps that is a picture of our response. Too often, we doubt the truth and power of God’s Word, and so we are speechless. We act afraid to tell the world the gospel news because such grace and beauty might sound foolish. Who would believe, “God showed his love to me today. I know God loves me because someone prayed for me just when I needed it. I’m sure God loves me. Jesus died on a cross to show me.” Indeed, do you believe in the miracle of God’s ever-present message? I want to encourage you to receive and to express your remarkable experiences when God shows up into your life. God has shown his love to you. Stop and see him. In turn, he wants you to show his love to the world. Your purpose is to speak clearly with joy and confidence of his great love. Extend his mercy to others. Go and tell the remarkable Good News. Believe God has delivered it to you. Your friends, family, neighbors and strangers need to know of God’s great pleasure over you. They must know he has it ready for them, too. Prayer: O Lord my God, you are so good to deliver your miraculous message to me. Help me to cherish each way and each day you speak so lovingly to me. In Jesus’ name, mane. December 7
No Worries Luke 1:18-20 Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” 19 The angel answered, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. 20 And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time.” SO there you are. You are doing your daily work, going about your business. Then suddenly God’s Great Messenger Gabriel pops in to tell you, “Good news! Something impossible is about to happen to your life. And it’s all good! Rejoice God is doing an amazing act of salvation for the world through you!” How would you respond? Would you, like Zechariah, say, (translation mine) “Are you talking to me? You’re crazy, Mr. Angel! Nothing like that could happen to me. I’m an old priest with an old wife. That’s impossible.” I probably would that way. In fact I’m sure I have - hundreds of times. For example, I’ll say, “That’s impossible! I can’t be that person.” when I read Jesus’ words of promise in Matthew 6:33: “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Instead of believing Jesus’ words, I often say to myself, “Who me? Not worry? How can this be? Certainly I need to worry. I need to be in control!” It’s a wonder God doesn’t strike my faithless tongue and make it silent as he did Zechariah. After all, if my tongue will not confess God’s wonders in my life, what good is my tongue? As we look at the Luke and Matthew Scriptures, we can see a similarity. In Gabriel’s “new baby” announcement and in Jesus’ “do not worry” teaching, God speaks to us with a great promise for our future. Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s’ lives will take on new meaning. Their response to their future will bring glory to God as they proclaim what God has done. Then 30 years later, God will use their son to open the final door to the One, who is the future hope of all the world. Think about that! Salvation is impossible and cannot be a reality for our own tomorrows unless God does his miracles into the world and into our lives. Gabriel proclaims God’s actions to come, and God acts. Likewise Jesus promises our future is secure in him, and Jesus acted to the cross to make it so. Yes, believing that the Father has acted to save us through Jesus gives us rest. Faith puts our hearts into a place to be at rest because we believe in the future to come when Jesus reigns forever. What looks impossible in your life? Be at peace. Know that the Christ has come that your future may be secure with him as you confess his Lordship in your life. Remember this message from the Great Messenger: John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." Prayer: Lord God, teach me to believe that all things, even release from worry and fear is possible with you. In the Savior’s precious name, amen. Luke 1:16-17 Many of the people of Israel will (John) bring back to the Lord their God. 17 And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous — to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
GOD has set the stage. All has been arranged since eternity past, and now God’s great salvation gift is about to come into the world! But there is one final thing to do. One final person has to come on stage before the main performance begins. Before the star comes out into the spotlight, God wants to get people excited, revved up and ready to cheer, “Praise the Lord!” God wants his people to celebrate their God and all he is to them. God desires his people worship him afresh and new, to raise their arms in exuberant joy. His prophecies, his presence and his power are waiting in the wings, ready for John, the Master of Ceremonies to introduce the Lord Jesus to the world..."Announcing the Savior is coming! Get ready. Repent and be saved! There is no one like him. He will bring joy to the world." That’s John’s role, and he will do it in Elijah’s. Now that you know more of Elijah, you understand what it means that John “will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous — to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” John will preach as did Elijah of Israel’s sin. He will proclaim as did Elijah the true God of Israel. He will offer God’s miraculous life to the Jews. God will use John’s passion to change hearts to hear the gospel. Fathers will care for their children in the sight of God, and people will listen to what is right. Many will become ready to wholeheartedly receive their Savior! Has someone prepared you to meet the Savior? Have you heard of the Savior? Have you met him? If you haven’t, keep reading. He’s about to show up. If you have met the Savior, you have something wonderful to announce, too, don’t you? Just as John, you can tell others of sin’s wrong ways. Then you can joyfully tell of God’s right ways. You can gladly offer God’s Savior to those who have not heard. Go ahead. Be like John. Get people excited. Tell your friends, “Jesus is God’s Savior! He has come for you. Repent and be saved.” Prayer: Teach me, Jesus, how to be excited, to be joyful, to be loving and how to be a voice for you. In your name I pray, amen. |
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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