Read John 12:36-43
John 12:42-43 They loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God. OH, I don’t like this scripture. It hits way too close to home. How often to I consider inviting someone to church or asking a person about his thoughts on Jesus, and I inwardly make some lame excuse. “Surely he won’t be interested. He might laugh at me. He might make fun of my job or my church. It’s better if I keep quiet. I’ll just make small talk.” That’s deceit, isn’t it? I say I love Jesus, but do I act like it and talk like it? Too many times I prefer the approval of men. Once in a while, though, I get a glimpse of what life would be like if I were more obedient to Jesus. When I pray with a stranger who has just shared some deep anxiety with me, I feel God’s presence and his hand on me. When I invite someone to church, and they talk about issues in their life, I can encourage them, and share my love and Jesus’ love for them. Sometimes I confront lies about the Bible face to face with someone who publicly ridicules God’s Word. I feel empowered to stand firm for the truth again. In other words, when I show my love for Jesus by helping others know him, I sense he is close by saying, “Thank you. I love you, too.” Resurrection Truth: live and speak in Jesus’ approval. John 12:27-36
John 12:27 “Shall I say, 'Father, do not let this hour come upon me'? But that is why I came--so that I might go through this hour of suffering.” JESUS had two natures. He was God, and he was man. This is why we can call him “Savior”. Human, yet perfect, he became the sacrificial Lamb. And in his “man” or human nature, he knew what it was like to doubt and fear. Here he knows the cross awaits him. He knows how terrible it is. It is certain he had seen Rome’s victims executed in this way many times. He also knows why he has to die this way. But he doesn’t want to go. Jesus’ human nature is screaming at him, “No, no!” The devil is tempting him, “Take the easy way out. Do what you want to do! You’ve worked hard, did all the Father asked you to do all your life. Now it’s your turn. Go have some fun. Live to a ripe old age.” Oh, but Jesus had a mission. He had a purpose. He had to go to the cross. The cross was the only way. It was the Father’s way, and he, the Son, was determined to follow the Father’s way. Even though it was the hardest way. Why? The answer is love. Jesus’ love for the Father gave him joy to obey the Father. Jesus loves you and me; he knew you and me, many of our friends and family were in God’s plan to be born, to be saved. Jesus died because he loves us. He wants us to be with him in eternity. Living a resurrected life in Christ understands these two things: 1) Jesus did not veer from the Father’s will. 2) We must express to our Lord a deep gratitude for the gift of life as we truly love him. Jesus does understand why we might not want to follow him to the hard places, to the tough situations. But he also knows that when we go there with him, the Father will be there. And where the Father is, that is where we want to be forever. Honor God. Complete the purpose to which he has called you. Even if it’s the hardest thing, God is there with you in glory and eternity. Resurrection Truth: Jesus loves you. Read John 12:20-26
John 12:20-21 Some Greeks were among those who had gone to Jerusalem to worship during the festival. 21 They went to Philip (he was from Bethsaida in Galilee) and said, “Sir, we want to see Jesus.” AH, yes. They had come from Greece – perhaps Jews who had come for the Passover, perhaps men curious about this teacher who had a reputation for doing miracles. Or maybe they just happened to be in town to do some trading, passing through, and they saw Jesus’ glorious entry in Jerusalem. They wanted to get to know the object of the people’s affection. No matter the reason, they had a desire to spend time with this teacher. They approached Philip. Philip and Andrew go to Jesus. What lesson can we learn from this simple request? One of the lessons here is that when we have a desire to spend time with Jesus, to get to know him, it is good if we go to him in a good and proper way. One place to go to Jesus is to the Scriptures, seeking through God’s Word the truth of God the Son. Another way is to go to someone who knows Jesus. Talk to a pastor, teacher, mentor, or friend, for example and ask questions. For example, I heard recently of someone who was reading the Bible and had several questions about what was read. To get some answers, the person went to someone trusted as having knowledge of God’s Word. That is the proper way, God’s way, to seek him. In this passage, we hear Jesus words that “The hour has now come for the Son of Man to receive great glory.” Sharing your knowledge of his word, testifying to his truth, and seeking him will give glory to our Lord. Looking for Jesus? Go to the Bible. Go to the right people. Discover for yourself who he is. Ask Jesus to send his Spirit upon you to understand him, to know him. And the hour will come when you uncover the wonder and joy he has for you as you live a resurrected life with him. Resurrection Truth: You always seek to know more of Jesus. Read John 12:12-19
John 12:19 The Pharisees then said to one another, “You see, we are not succeeding at all! Look, the whole world is following him!” THE Pharisees, the religious establishment of Jesus’ time—the church if you will, were very distressed. They had debated with Jesus. They had accused him of being a pretender, a magician, a false-teacher, and often tried to discredit him. But now the crowd of his followers was praising him as King of Israel. They praised him as the life-giver. They had heard and seen what Jesus had done. And while the crowds cheered, the church sneered. The Pharisees could only think about themselves first. Their authority was threatened, so their desire was to keep the crowd away from the Son of God. God stood right there before them, and they were afraid because, “The whole world is following him.” They “saw” Jesus, but they missed the wonder of God in their midst. Do we as a church see the wonder of God in our midst? Are we paying attention? Are we showing Jesus to the world, or inadvertently trying to drive people away from Jesus? How might we do that? We may be too selfish with our money and not use it with enough faith to help the needy. We might worry too much about form at Sunday’s worship and be less attuned to the heart of worship. We might neglect caring for one another when someone is in need because it feels awkward. We might spend too much time formulating strategy instead of doing ministry. To be a church that lives a resurrected life, let us keep our hearts and eyes open to God in our midst. Let us be a church adoring the resurrected Jesus, seeking new life in him as the crowd did. Let us, with our hearts, proclaim Jesus as King. Resurrection Truth: Jesus is King. Read John 12:9-11
John 12:10-11 So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus too, 11 because on his account many Jews were rejecting them and believing in Jesus. POOR Lazarus. He had died, been raised to life. Now, about 3 weeks later, the chief priests were plotting to kill him! Talk about a rough month! What was Lazarus’ crime? He had received a magnificent healing, literally given a new life. As a result, he was a walking, talking, living testimony to Jesus’ power. He gave credibility to Jesus, who proclaimed himself the Son of God, the author of life. With Lazarus out of the way, it would be much easier for the priests to discredit Jesus and to crucify him. Are you a living testimony to the life-giving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? What are some practical ways you can show Jesus to the world? Sometimes it may mean giving comfort to a person who is very sad. We can share how Jesus’ comfort has come to us through prayer and being with others for support. Perhaps someone needs to make a decision about a relationship or finances or a job, and they seek our advice. We can tell them how we make our decisions by checking out the Bible and learning what Jesus says about getting along with others. We can tell them how following Jesus’ words have made a big difference in our lives and give them real-life examples. We can tell people in need how we have taken time to seek God when we needed strength and patience to deal with daily challenges. They should know that going to our Lord in prayer and having others pray for us has made a big difference in our lives. We can share simply that when we follow Jesus, life is better as Jesus’ words have given us a new outlook on life. Even more, Jesus’ words have given us a new life in him. Sometimes your witness and your lifestyle may cause people to mock you or even threaten you. Try not to let that bother you. More often, living with Jesus will cause people to know your Lord in a special way. Some people are blind to Jesus’ love, and it takes someone like you to begin to show his love to them. Resurrection Truth: showing Jesus gets people stirred up. That’s good! Read John 12:1-8
John 12:3 Then Mary took a whole pint of a very expensive perfume made of pure nard, poured it on Jesus' feet, and wiped them with her hair. The sweet smell of the perfume filled the whole house. QUITE a gift…quite an honor Mary offered. Mary’s attitude has changed a good deal since her disappointment in her Lord. Jesus came to her brother; Jesus came to Mary’s sister Martha and to Mary with the fullness of life. Now it is time to say, “Thank you, Lord.” It is a thank you from the heart. Mary takes an expensive pint of perfume and uses it all to anoint her Lord with honor and worship. In the perfume is her love, and she wants Jesus to know that he is worth far more than any price that is on that bottle of perfume. Judas is the disciple who complains the perfume is wasted. Yes, it could have been used for the poor; it could have been used for Mary’s own household. I doubt they had much money. She could have bought food for her family. Instead, she honored Jesus. She now understood Jesus as the source of all that comes from life and into life. Jesus is the great Provider, the loving giver of himself. How do we model that in our lives? What do we give – our time, our talents, our love, our encouragement – to our family, friends, neighbors, church family? Do we sacrifice some things we want in order to give unto others? Yes, that is resurrection living. Let us worship and honor Jesus. Share his resurrection gift. Give him to others who need his tender care. Resurrection Truth: Be sacrificial in your gifts to Jesus. Read John 11: 45-58
John 11:47 So the Pharisees and the chief priests met with the Council and said, “What shall we do? Look at all the miracles this man is performing!” “WHAT shall we do?” I want to reach back through the centuries and shake up these guys! “What shall we do?” Love him. Obey him. Experience his miracles in your life! Worship him! The Lord of Life stood before them, and they wondered “What shall we do?” How ignorant can one be? Oh, wait a minute. I was pretty discouraged the other day. Some circumstances occurred that surprised me, even shocked me. Those circumstances caused me to mourn over a lost relationship. I didn’t know what to do. I guess I asked the same question the Pharisees asked. I wasn’t sure what to do. My work causes me to spend a good deal of time in the Bible every day. I ponder it and respond to it. I ought to very personally know of God’s miracles, Jesus’ resurrection power and the Holy Spirit’s comfort. But sometimes I don’t trust these things. I don’t trust God cares enough to be involved in my situation. I think I’m in these circumstances alone. But I’m not. When God says, “Wake up! I’m here.” He reminds me that this work he has called me to do is about is his resurrection work throughout the world. The Holy Spirit reminds me that I need to trust God; I need to celebrate him; and surely I must worship him. In Jesus only, we will find the sure hope that all things broken will be made new again. The Pharisees had the Lord of Life standing before them. They wondered, “What shall we do?” because they negated all of God’s Word. Faithless, they missed him. Let’s be people of faith. Are you wondering, “What shall I do?” about some circumstance in your life? Look at all the miracles Jesus has done and is doing now. Cry out loud to him, “Jesus I trust you. I worship you. I love you.” Resurrection Truth: worship your Lord. Read John 11:38-46
John 11:44 “Untie him,” Jesus told them, “and let him go.” DEATH’S bondage is broken! Do we have any comprehension of the joy that Mary, Martha and the other mourners experienced? Were they too shocked to be happy? Were they filled with so much wonder they had no ability to comprehend the truth of Lazarus’ resurrection? Against all hope, in spite of all doubt, Jesus raised Lazarus. There was absolutely no expression of faith from Mary and Martha. His disciples expected nothing of significance – even though they had seen so many miracles. Yet, Jesus did it. Jesus circumvented doubt, and he destroyed it. “Untie him and let him go.” Wow! I pray often that he will come to me to untie my doubt, to unwrap my fears, to loosen the bonds of faithlessness, so that I may more completely live a resurrected life. I want to be free from spiritual blindness and be aware of how to respond to my Savior. I want to have the blinders removed and understand what Jesus’ church needs from me. And I hope for my physical sight to return. I hate this visual weakness I live with each moment of the day. I cry out to God to heal me, to restore my sight. But there is silence. I eventually say, “Okay, Lord. I am yours. Untie me from my frustration, my disappointment, my grief. Urge me to focus on the blessings you’ve given unto me. Help me to be thankful for the bounty of life around me. I truly want to live ‘untied’ with you.” Resurrection Truth: Jesus is the key to unlock the chains that bind you. |
AuthorBob James Archives
February 2025
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